Verification Overview

Before your NRTs are issued and available to sell, Nori requires verification of the project. This is done by a Nori-approved third party auditor or verifier.  A “Verifier” is a professional in good standing who is qualified to attest to a reasonable level of assurance, the accuracy of documentation provided by the Supplier. Verification is paid for by the Primary Contact. The Verifier will conduct a desk audit and will be focused on the following questions: 1) Is the data reliable and replicable; 2) Does the primary contact have the landowners permission to participate in the Nori program; 3) Is there evidence of the regenerative agriculture practice; and 4) Is there evidence of a switch date? 

Supporting documents a Verifier will require include receipts and farm records (i.e. purchase of a new tillage implement, cover crop seed receipts). Additionally, the Verifier will speak with the “Primary Contact”, the individual who signs the NRT agreement with Nori, to validate practices. This process does not include a site visit, dramatically reducing the cost of verification. Without a paper trail proving aspects of your operation, the Verifier may contact a reputable source in your community (agronomist, extension agent) to confirm the narrative of your operation. 

How do I prepare for the verification process?

Write a Narrative 

The best way to prepare for the verification process is to write a narrative of your operation (e.g. “We began cover cropping in 2015, using haylage from the cover crops to feed cattle that graze the corn stalks in the fall… etc”) and organize records supporting this narrative. 

Have Assignments of Authority in Place

You must have legally-binding authority from all landowners with interest in the project. Nori can provide you with a template of an acceptable document. We recommend having the form notarized, but leave it up to you and the contract laws of your state and/or county. 

Gather Records

One of the best pieces of evidence is time-stamped, geo-located pictures (using your cell phone) that document your practices - Nori recommends taking pictures throughout the life of the project. After the initial project verification, regularly organizing supporting records, in the same way, is the best way to prepare for on-going interim verifications.