Exporting a Project 

How do I export a Project as a data spec file (JSON file)?

Sometimes a Data Manager, Supply Account Manager, or other interested party needs to export a Nori Project in order to have a copy to use for troubleshooting or to give access to another user. In order to do this, follow these simple steps below:

  1. NRT Projections: First, before you begin the Export process, make sure your project has recently been run through the quantification process. If it hasn't, to to the Run Model page and select "Run Model" (see also "How do I run NRT projections?"). 
  2. Project Menu: Either on the main Projects page or on the project page for the project that you want to export, find the three dots next to the project name and click on them. Note: you must be the Project Owner in order to have this menu available.
  3. File Export: A menu will appear; select “Export JSON” from the menu. This will immediately download your project data as a .JSON file, which you can then import into a new project. Note that only the data up to 10 years after the switch year will be exported, so if, for example, your switch year were 2015, the data would stop in 2025.