In order to claim, buy or sell NORI, you will need a small amount of MATIC to pay Polygon gas fees. MATIC is Polygon’s native token. 

Your steps to buy MATIC will depend on your choice of wallet or use of cryptocurrency exchanges.

This Polygon MetaMask Tutorial video by MoneyZG includes a demo of how to get MATIC onto a Polygon wallet:  (starts at 9:12) 

Nori is not able to provide personalized support for buying MATIC. 

How much MATIC do I need to claim NORI?

To use the Claiming Dashboard to claim NORI, you can expect gas fees to be less than 0.01 MATIC. This gas fee is the same regardless of the amount of NORI you are claiming. 

Based on recent MATIC prices, this gas fee is roughly $0.03 USD. This is based on historical gas prices and is subject to change with market conditions.